WPS CS Ed Week 2020 (#CSforSocialJustice)

WPS CS Ed Week 2020 (#CSforSocialJustice)
Posted on 12/07/2020
WPS CS Ed Week 2020 (#CSforSocialJustice)
Welcome to Global CS Ed-Week 2020 Celebrations! 

WPS is excited to collaborate with you and share various offerings for WPS CS-Ed Week 2020! This year the Global CS-Ed Week Celebrations are scheduled for December 7 - 13, 2020.

The Global CS-Ed Week theme for this year is #CSforSocialJustice

Please visit the WPS CS-Ed Week 2020 Website for a message from our Superintendent, WPS CS-Ed Week Academic offerings, #CSforSocialJustice Curriculum, CS Ed-Week Hour of Code Curriculum, WPS CS-Ed Week Student Contest, Student Certificates, and much more.