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Watertown Middle School provides an education filled with excellence, equity and a community that fosters caring and collaborative relationships.


                                    About Us  

Watertown Middle School serves a diverse community of five hundred and sixty students in grades 6-8 north west of Boston Massachusetts. Founded in 1922 and rooted in the historic traditions of the Commonwealth, Watertown Middle School provides an education filled with excellence, equity and a community that fosters caring and collaborative relationships. Our dedicated and professional faculty and staff provide an intimate ratio of ten students to every teacher. As a school with twenty plus languages spoken under our roof, we are proud of our diverse population and have a strong tradition of community service.

                                                                     WMS Mission Statement

The Watertown Middle School, in partnership with families and the community, provides a supportive and challenging learning environment where every student feels safe, respected, and valued. As a place for transition, the Middle School nurtures the development of self-esteem and the unique emotional, social, ethical and academic growth of each student.


Success - successful students who best support the success of their peers, teachers and the whole school community
Ownership - students exemplify taking responsibility for all of their actions
Achievement - students successfully achieve the challenging goals they set for themselves
Respect - students show the greatest respect for themselves and the differences around them
Service - students who have best served their school, community and country
          SOARS is the Watertown Middle School student recipe for success!


Resolution on Affirmation of Support for Staff, Students, and Community Members of Color

Whereas, People of Color face greater discrimination, structural discipline, lack of social support both in schools and in society at large;

Whereas, children, adolescents and adults in the Black community face higher rates of social and structural violence and racial discrimination,

Whereas, students’ and staff’s well-being is a fundamental concern of the Watertown School Committee and school boards across the country.

Therefore, Be It Resolved, that the Watertown School Committee affirms its immediate support to promote the needs and safety of all staff and students who identify as a person of color,

And Be It Resolved that the School Committee of Watertown, Massachusetts urges state and federal policymakers to support laws and regulations that:

  • Provide appropriate and necessary safety measures for People of Color during a period of unrest in this nation, and guarantee the rights and safety of all those protesting for their lives.


  • Hold accountable all public officials, police officers, and all those who serve their community for their responsibility to equitably represent and protect the public, and also hold accountable any individuals and organizations that take racist actions or in any other way do harm to the Black Community and People of Color.


  • Enhance programming to provide schools with the structure and guidance needed to provide an anti-racist curricula and professional development for all staff to build understanding and awareness of the beautiful history and the challenges of being a person of color, and of the structural and endemic racism in the United States.

The School Committee gives its support to responsible civic actions by students, educators and others who are raising the visibility of this issue and seeking changes in public policy.


Joel Giacobozzi

Associate Principal
Stephen Duffy

Assistant Principals
Michael Kenney

Jennifer Sarmiento

Lisa Gallagher

Administrative Assistants
Laurie Brackett

Saira Chaudhry

68 Waverley Avenue
Watertown, MA 02472
617 926-7783 (phone)
617 926-5407 (fax)
617 924-4125 (nurse fax)

School hours 7:45-2:15
Office hours  7:00-3:30
Early Release Hours 7:45-11:45